
North Cincy News

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Summary of work-related injuries and illnesses due to OSHA by February 1

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Wilmington-Clinton County Chamber of Commerce issued the following announcement on Jan. 5.

Employers with eleven or more employees and whose establishments are not classified as a partially exempt  industry must record work-related injuries and illnesses using OSHA Forms 300, 300A and 301. Employers who  are required to keep Form 300, the Injury and Illness log, must post Form 300A, the Summary of Work-Related  Injuries and Illnesses, in a workplace every year from February 1 to April 30. Current and former employees, or  their representatives, have the right to access injury and illness records. Employers must give the requester a  copy of the relevant record(s) by the end of the next business day. 

OSHA’s definition of work-related injuries, illnesses and fatalities are those in which an event or exposure in the  work environment either caused or contributed to the condition. In addition, if an event or exposure in the  work environment significantly aggravated a pre-existing injury or illness, this is also considered work-related.  

If a work-related injury or illness results in medical treatment beyond first aid, you must record it on the OSHA  300 log. Required information includes: 

  • Completion of both the 300 and 300A 
  • Verify that you’ve classified each case only once on both forms. 
o A case that has one day away and several days restricted would be classified as days away  from work, not both. Each case is classified only once, and it is classified as the most serious. o The other recordable case is a case that does not have days away or job transfer or  restriction. The case is recordable because it is beyond first aid. 

  • Verify that the total number of cases equals the total number of injuries and illnesses; otherwise,  you will receive an error message and will not be able to submit. 
NOTE: Some employers with 20 or more employees are required to submit information from their OSHA300A  electronically by March 1 every year 

For more information, please contact Craig Lanken at 330.472.1656 or craig.lanken@sedgwick.com

Original source can be found here.