
North Cincy News

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Quaker Lecture Series to Feature Alumnus/Author Brent Bill’s New Book

Book 1000

Wilmington College issued the following announcement on Jan. 11.

Book Titled: Hope and Witness in Dangerous Times: Lessons from the Quakers on Blending Faith, Daily Life and Activism

Prominent Quaker author and Wilmington College alumnus J. Brent Bill invites readers to consider how our personal and communal faith practices in growing deeper spiritually should bring us a fresh engagement with the needs of the world.

He poses that challenge in his new book, Hope and Witness in Dangerous Times: Lessons from the Quakers on Blending Faith, Daily Life and Activism. Bill will speak on this Jan. 20, from 7 to 8 p.m., in the first program in Wilmington College’s Spring Semester Office of Campus Ministry Quaker Lecture Series.

The virtual event will be available on Wilmington College’s main Facebook page and that of WC’s Campus Ministry.

Bill said Hope and Witness in Dangerous Times notes the importance of “being active in promoting those values which align with our understanding of the gospel and standing against injustice, oppression and evil inflicted on any of God’s children.” He added his presentation will look at Quaker hope and witness of Friends through the ages and how the lessons they learned inform Quakers’ hope and witness today.

“Such activism, rooted in deep spirituality, may include what Quaker civil rights activist Bayard Rustin called ‘angelic troublemakers,'” he said.

Bill is an alumnus of Wilmington College and Earlham School of Religion (ESR) and serves as a member of WC Board of Trustees. He is a writer, photographer, retreat leader, writing coach and recorded Friends minister, who has served as a church pastor, Western Yearly Meeting staff person, Friends General Conference staff person, adjunct faculty at ESR, teacher at writing conferences across North America and a go-cart track operator.

He is a member of Spirituality & Practice’s “Living Spiritual Teachers Project” and has authored or co-authored more than 20 books, including: Beauty, Truth, Life and Love: Four Essentials for the Abundant Life,  Life Lessons from a Bad Quaker: A Humble Stumble Toward Simplicity and Grace, Sacred Compass: The Way of Spiritual Discernment and Holy Silence: The Gift of Quaker Spirituality.

PICTURED: J. Brent Bill

Original source can be found here.