
North Cincy News

Monday, March 10, 2025

Legal Notice – Invitation for Bid for Elbrook Avenue Improvement Project

Sealed bids shall be ad­dressed to and will be re­ceived by the Village of Golf Manor located at 6450 Wiehe Rood, Golf Manor, Ohio 45237 until December 15, 2022 at 11 :00 a.m. for the following Village work:


Plans & specifications for the work may be obtained at the office of JMA Consultants, Inc., 4357 Harrison Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45211.

Cost for the bid package will be $100 non-refundable.

Each bidder is required to furnish with its proposal, a Bid Guaranty and Contract Bond in accordance with Sec­tion 153.54 through 153.571 of the Ohio Revised Code. Bid security, furnished in Bond form, shall be issued by a sur­ety compony or corporation licensed in the State of Ohio in the full amount of one hun­dred percent (100%) of the bid amount. A 100% satisfac­tory performance and pay­ment bond shall be required of the successful bidder.

Each bid must be submitted in o sealed envelope plainly marked on the outside with the name of the bidder, his address, and the name of the project for which the bid is submitted. Each bid must contain the full name of the party or parties submitting the same and all persons in­terested therein.

All bidders must comply with the prevailing wage rotes on public improvements in Hamilton County and the Village of Golf Manor as determined by the Ohio Department of Commerce, Bureau of Wage & Hour Administration.

The Village of Golf Manor reserves the right to reject any or all bids, or to accept of reject any part thereof.

Original source can be found here.