
North Cincy News

Sunday, March 9, 2025

City of Forest Park Announces New Battery-Powered Lawn MowersGift Cards Available


Battery-Powered Lawn MowersGift Cards | City of Forest Park fb

Battery-Powered Lawn MowersGift Cards | City of Forest Park fb

New Battery-Powered Lawn MowersGift Cards Available 

Southwest Ohio Air Quality Agency is offering $100 VISA gift cards to Hamilton County residents when they replace their old gas-powered lawn mower with a new battery-powered lawn mower.

The goal of the Mow Greener program is to help reduce emissions from residential lawn care equipment while encouraging people to recycle their old mowers.

Follow three easy steps:

1.    Purchase a new battery-powered lawn mower;

2.    Recycle your old gas lawn mower;

3.    Go to SouthwestOhioAir.org to upload your battery-powered lawn mower receipt and make an appointment to pick up your $100 VISA gift card.

What are the benefits?

1.    Battery-powered lawnmowers do not pollute the air.

2.    They are lower maintenance machines – no gasoline, oil, or spark plugs to replace.

3.    Battery-powered lawnmowers are lighter and easier to operate.

For program details, visit SouthwestOhioAir.org.

Original source can be found here.