
North Cincy News

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Spring Brush Collection


Spring Brush Collection | City of Loveland

Spring Brush Collection | City of Loveland

The City of Loveland’s spring brush collection will begin Monday, March 20.  Please place brush at the curb no later than Sunday, March 19. 

The Public Works Department will collect brush for approximately two weeks. There is no need to call and schedule a pick-up. Crews drive a route through the city.  

To keep crews safe and protect equipment, please review collection guidelines:

  • Brush must be placed at the curb or edge of roadway. Do not place brush in the roadway, gutter, ditches, or on sidewalks. 
  • Do not block fire hydrants.
  • Limbs cannot exceed 10 inches in diameter at the cut section.
  • Limbs should be placed at the curb with the cut section facing the street and all limbs should be facing the same direction. This makes it easier and faster to handle.
  • No leaves, pine needles, grass clippings, bamboo, ornamental grass, or other yard waste will be collected.
  • Small twigs and sticks should be bundled with twine in bundles 12 inches in diameter. Twigs or sticks can also be placed in a container at the curb, but no other yard waste should be in the containers. No loose piles of sticks and debris, please.
 For all details, please visit https://lovelandoh.gov/188/Leaf-Brush-Pick-Up.

Original source can be found here.